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PLM produces a diverse corps of professionals who contribute to the economic efforts of the city -- all the way to the international fronts.

In the school community, the alumni are a major stakeholder -- highlighted by their sense of gratitude to return the favor of transformative education.

Alumni Registration System (ARS)
PLM is committed to continue engaging with its alumni and to keep them updated on the affairs and activities of the University. Toward this end, PLM is in the process of building and updating its alumni database.

Kindly spare a few minutes of your time to fill out the online ARS form.
Pls. help inform and encourage your fellow alumni to update their information in the PLM database. As always, your information will be kept confidential and will be used only to inform you regarding the affairs of your Alma Mater.
Fill out the online ARS

Career placement for alumni
Looking for the right place in the industry? Check out the job calls from our industry partners:
Job posts